Artificial Lift Project Management

Artificial Lift Project Management

What does it take to make an Artificial Lift Project successful - is it enough to have a good pump design?
What about resource planning, risk management, cost and progress control, stakeholder management and management of change?

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How we can support you:

Since we have been part of so many successful artificial lift projects, we know what it needs to execute a project in time and budget:

We are highly experienced in connecting team members of different disciplines and cultures. We understand them and know what is significant for the project’s success – geologists and reservoir engineers discussing reservoir uncertainties, process and facility engineers worrying about transient production periods, service companies enabling equipment and resource logistics, project management enforcing achievement of economical key performance indicators. We are confident building the bridge from highly specialized engineers to interested senior management, so that all are on the same page.

We perfectly know which project decisions need to be taken at which time, what a successful management of change means and how single decisions may affect other processes afterwards.

Our team always thinks positive – nevertheless it is important to know what could happen during a project. We are used to detailed risk management for every single process from project kick-off until start-of-operation.


Would you like to know more – contact us !