AL Technologies

Let us explore together the variety of EXCELLENT Artificial Lift Technology!

The EXCELLENT Artificial Lift Technology for YOUR application!

The industry nowadays offers countless artificial lift systems, from standard to very special. But not everything what is available, is really necessary and reasonable. And vice versa, not everything what is desired, is already available…

As independent partner we are happy to find the right AL system for you. This may be a proven standard system from stock, a customized system for your special application, or a tailor made system, which is specifically developed for you!

You can find here some of our  favourite Artificial Lift technologies – from standard to quite special applications:

The electric light did not come from the continuous improvement of candles.
Oren Harari

ESP: 1916 by A Arutunoff
PCP: 1930 by R Moineau
SRP: 1845 ! C.E Drake
Gas lift: 1864 /1929/1944 for IPO by W.R King.