The EXCELLENCE of Electrical Submersible Pumps:
Electrical Submersible Pumps are widely used due to their large range of possible production rates and flexibility in connection with variable speed drives. Nevertheless, ESP components are vulnerable in high temperature, gassy/sandy conditions, and need special attention during design and operation. The application of permanent magnet motors help to make the overall system more efficient.
Heavy oil ESP
How we can support you:
Our team has extensive knowledge in ESP applications for heavy oil fields (up to 1000 cP dry viscosity). In some fields it may be necessary to execute detailed test programs in special ESP pump test stands, to fully reflect the impact of your oil on the pump stages. Of course we are ready to support you with preparation, execution and analysis of these pump tests. With the knowledge about the derating of the system due to viscosity, we can adapt the ESP design, making it fit for purpose in your heavy oil field.
Publications worth sharing:
SPE-173948-MS - Heavy oil application
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Polymer Backproducing ESP
How we can support you:
In some chemically flooded fields, Electrical Submersible Pumps are selected to back produce the injected polymer solution. Depending the reservoir conditions, this solution may have even initial fluid properties and therefore can represent a challenge for the pump. Since ESPs are sensitive to changes in production environment, their design needs to be carefully harmonized with the expected properties of back produced fluids over time.
Our team is supporting you also here along the whole lifecycle - from the first entry of polymer solution into the borehole until it reaches the separator. We are familiar with typical production challenges of various polymer floods around the world and what it needs to design and operate a resilient polymer back producing ESP.
Publications worth sharing:
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Gas Hydrate Production with ESP
How we can support you:
In this application we set the focus for the ESP on a gassy fluid ESP design on the one side, as well specifically on the accurate drawdown control of the system on the other side. It is crucial to carefully operate the ESP system in order to balance the required dissociation pressure without pumping off. Our team is very experienced in setting up system controls to make your operators' life easier in that respect. We are experts in automation, thus building automatic alarms and reacting on changing fluid properties into the control system is one topic we can help you with.
Publications worth sharing:
SPE-182230-MS - Gas Hydrate production challenges
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ESPs for high GOR wells
How we can support you:
There are several approaches to adapt ESP designs to gassy fluids. The application of flow diverting pods, adapting pump setting depths, but of course also numerous special parts (gas separators, booster stages), may help to qualify your ESP system for gassy wells. Our team is supporting you in analyzing the impact severity of free gas on the ESPs over time and recommends the best economic technology for your application.
Publications worth sharing:
SPE-201655-MS - ESPs in High GOR wells
SPE-208552-MS - High speed helicoaxial pump
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How we can support you:
Of course this non-standard application requires careful ESP design to qualify the parts for the shock wave resulting from the perforation. In most cases the ESP is supposed to produce only for short time period to gather production and pressure data of the open interval. Therefore, our main focus is on the materials and pressure ratings of all string parts, rather than on long lasting ESP.
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Coiled Tubing deployed ESP
How we can support you:
Keeping an overview of already available rigless ESP systems takes time - analyzing which system is of most value for your fields even more: technologies and deployment methods, available pump sizes, materials and ratings, service availability, operating flexibility for the pumps' lifetime, installation programs, etc. As independent experts, we are supporting you in technology selection and ESP design from idea to execution.
Publications worth sharing:
SPE-184198-MS - Rigless ESP well control considerations
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Slick/Wire Line deployed ESP
How we can support you:
Keeping an overview of already available rigless ESP systems takes time - analyzing which system is of most value for your fields even more: technologies and deployment methods, available pump sizes, materials and ratings, service availability, operating flexibility for the pumps' lifetime, installation programs, etc. As independent experts, we are supporting you in technology selection and ESP design from idea to execution.
Publications worth sharing:
SPE-193783-MS - WL ESP case history
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Dual ESP
How we can support you:
Parallel Back-up ESP: Dual ESPs in parallel set-up can be used to add redundancy to the ESP string. Even though the lifetime of the AL method is not double, at least some production can be achieved with the back-up ESP, once the main ESP has failed. Therefore dual ESP systems can significantly reduce deferred production during the waiting for workover rig. Our team is supporting at designing both ESPs with special focus on material selection and operational procedures, to make sure the back-up ESP is successfully working whenever necessary.
Parallel commingled Dual ESP: Dual ESPs can also be used for highly controlled production of two reservoirs with different pressure and productivity. In this set-up the ESPs are balancing the inflow characteristics and produce either commingled or one-zone at a time to surface. We are very experienced in flow modelling for this very specific application, especially finding the optimal design combination for your reservoirs!
Parallel concentric Dual ESP: Another parallel application is the independent Dual ESP with dual concentric tubing strings to produce separately from two different reservoir sections without mixing the reservoir fluids. Here our focus lays in selection of pump and string dimensions, to facilitate having two strings at once in your well.
Serial dual ESPs: This set-up is used when large heads need to be produced. There, the lower pump acts like a booster pump, increasing the inlet pressure of the upper pump. This application requires right selection of parts, tolerating strong pressure fluctuations - we are happy to support you with this design!
Publications worth sharing:
SPE-195122-MS - Parallel commingled Dual ESP
SPE-99878-PA - Applications of Dual ESPs
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High speed slim ESP
How we can support you:
Our team actively follows technology development of high speed ESPs for the application in smaller diameter casings. Also here we are following our approach of sandface-to-separator service: From early design phase until execution and production optimization, we are caring for your system. We are accounting especially for changing reservoir parameters over time, making your ESP system as flexible as possible and resistant against potential flowback of proppant.
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Ultra-high speed ESP
In wells with small casing diameters, one way to reach high production rates is to increase the frequency of the driving system. Also for retrofit applications in existing tubings, ultra-high speed ESPs can deliver reasonably high production rates. This application is usually equipped with permanent magnet motor, which reaches up to 10.000 rpm.
ESP controlled Dump Flood
How we can support you:
Here the ESP performance is depending on both productivity of the production zone and injectivity of the injection zone, which both may change over the pump's life time. This application requires a lot of modelling experience to get the ESP system design right at the first time. In addition the ESP can be installed in different ways - depending on where the ESP is landed, it can be executed with inverted ESP systems or including a pod /encapsulation. Your prudent knowledge about the productivity and injectivity of both layers build the fundament of our complex application design.
Publications worth sharing:
SPE-95170-MS - CT deployed ESP Dump Flood
SPE-175352-MS - Tandem packer ESP Dump Flood
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Geothermal ESP
How we can support you:
Usually geothermal applications need high production rates to generate economic heat output. There, special attention should be paid on motor and seal section. In order to withstand high temperatures, we are reviewing design and material selection in detail. In addition, we account for solid content, naturally occuring radioactivity, scaling tendency and corrosivity of the produced hot water. Our team is supporting you in selecting the right ESP system and reasonable operating ranges for your geothermal wells. Increasing your geothermal project economics, our focus lays on long run life and stable high rate production.
Publications worth sharing:
SPE-204524-MS - Geothermal ESP challenges
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How we can support you:
Our team is supporting you during the whole thermal EOR project. We are able to recommend necessary adaptations in the design phase, addressing reservoir uncertainties and technical requirements. For SAGD ESPs of course we are focusing on the influence of temperature (250°C) and gassy low viscosity fluids on all system components - especially elastomers, motor insulation, bearings and shaft seals.
Publications worth sharing:
SPE-194387-MS - SAGD ESP technology
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Advanced ESP
How we can support you:
Our team has been active part of engineering the Advanced ESP in the past years. We know of the potential opportunities and limits of advanced/engineered ESPs in your application and how you can come closer to 10 years run life.
Publications worth sharing:
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