Dual ESP
Nowadays Dual ESP systems became popular in various set-ups and applications. Depending on parallel or serial configuration, Dual ESP systems either improve redundancy, controllability, head generation or facilitate separate production from different horizons.
How we can support you:
Parallel Back-up ESP: Dual ESPs in parallel set-up can be used to add redundancy to the ESP string. Even though the lifetime of the AL method is not double, at least some production can be achieved with the back-up ESP, once the main ESP has failed. Therefore dual ESP systems can significantly reduce deferred production during the waiting for workover rig. Our team is supporting at designing both ESPs with special focus on material selection and operational procedures, to make sure the back-up ESP is successfully working whenever necessary.
Parallel commingled Dual ESP: Dual ESPs can also be used for highly controlled production of two reservoirs with different pressure and productivity. In this set-up the ESPs are balancing the inflow characteristics and produce either commingled or one-zone at a time to surface. We are very experienced in flow modelling for this very specific application, especially finding the optimal design combination for your reservoirs!
Parallel concentric Dual ESP: Another parallel application is the independent Dual ESP with dual concentric tubing strings to produce separately from two different reservoir sections without mixing the reservoir fluids. Here our focus lays in selection of pump and string dimensions, to facilitate having two strings at once in your well.
Serial dual ESPs: This set-up is used when large heads need to be produced. There, the lower pump acts like a booster pump, increasing the inlet pressure of the upper pump. This application requires right selection of parts, tolerating strong pressure fluctuations – we are happy to support you with this design!
Publications worth sharing:
SPE-195122-MS – Parallel commingled Dual ESP
SPE-99878-PA – Applications of Dual ESPs
Would you like to know more – contact us !