RDD-ESPP – Reciprocating Direct-Drive Electrical Submersible Plunger Pump
Another possibility to elongate the life of a sucker rod pump is to drive the downhole pump with a linear downhole motor and thereby getting rid of all sucker rod related issues. This solution is especially interesting for deep crooked wells, where standard rod driven SRP suffer from excessive rod stress.
How we can support you:
Combining our beloved downhole piston pump with a downhole electric linear motor – that sounds really smart as a theory! We are supporting you in making this special application of piston pumps smart in reality also! By detailed design and knowledge about the key components of this Artificial Lift method and how to make the perfect blend of them – surface control unit, electrical cable, downhole electric linear motor, electrical submersible downhole piston pump.
Publications worth sharing:
SPE-186345-MS – RDD-ESPP application
Would you like to know more – contact us !